Man Rape Man
We all synonymise the word 'rape',
With women being violently violated
of their gift for their chosen few;
And of the men, this gift they take.
But our brains need to be dilated.
It happened to me, it can happen to you.
It was past midnight, the club was pumping,
I was full of drinks, staggering cheerfully.
And got talking to some dudes, as you do.
Around me the party, it was jumping,
And one offered to get a beer for me.
Now, I'm not one to pass up free drink or food,
And I accepted his offer to get me a drink.
Just thought he was being friendly.
And I was a lonely stranger in strange land.
Of the consequences I just didn't think.
After all this club was Über trendy,
And who'd ever been date raped by a man?
The party raged on, at least in my head,
But then the darkness came on and forth.
How I got from A to B, I'll never know,
I had no memory of where I'd been led.
But that was his sinister plan, of course,
This normal, below average looking Joe.
Even still, now, it's all so very hazy,
Especially the how, the when & the what.
But I remember coming to on his couch,
My pants were down, and this man he
had me in his mouth, the whole lot.
My muggy brain forced me up with a shout,
And I pushed him away as he came
at me with a force not at all relative
to his size (he was much smaller than I).
His face wore a twisted mask of pain,
A lover scorned, let down by his sedative
And he yelled as he came, tears in his eye.
But fortunately for me he was no match,
And I swatted him as one would a fly,
And blundering, I tried escaping his house.
At the front door I struggled with the catch,
But finally managed to escape into the night,
An elephant running scared from the mouse.
Through the twisting streets I ran and I ran,
Until I finally knew my way back home,
And finding my bed, I curled up to sleep.
I pushed away thoughts of that little man,
Choosing to deal with it all on my own,
By pushing it down deep, oh so deep,
And pretending it had never occurred.
But there's some things you can't escape.
Hopefully this will make you all think,
Next time you're out, getting liquor'd;
It's not just women who can get raped,
Please be careful when accepting that drink.
By J. Barrett